English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media # 153 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ☆

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

? Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 153 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 153) ?

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. He served as a Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He was involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus. His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like, WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc. in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

हम ई-अभिव्यक्ति के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों के लिए आदरणीय कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के “कविता पाठ” का लिंक साझा कर रहे हैं। कृपया आत्मसात करें।

फेसबुक पेज लिंक  >>कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी का “कविता पाठ” 

? English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of Anonymous litterateur of Social Media # 153 ?


कुछ आई पल, ज़रूरतों के

साथ  क्या  गुज़ारे,

मुँह फुला  के, बैठ  गईं

मेरी  सब  ख्वाहिशें..!


Just spent some moments

with the needs,

All my wishes frowned 

with the grimace..!


 जाने  कौन  देगा उनके

हिस्से के जवाब,

वो  लोग  जो  अक्सर

चुप रह जाते हैं…!


Don’t know who will

answer  their  part…

Of those people, who

often  remain  silent…!


चलो  ख़ामोशियों  की

गिरफ़्त  में  चलते  हैं,

बातें  ज़्यादा  हुईं  तो

ज़्बात  खुल  जायेंगे..!


Let’s go in the grip of silence,

if too much of talks happen

Then emotions will become

a publically known secret..!


सारी  गवाहियाँ  तो मेरे

हक़  में  आ  गईं,

लेकिन  मेरा  बयान  ही

मेरे  ख़िलाफ़  था…!


All  the  evidences

came in my favour.

But my statement itself

was  against  me…!


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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English Literature – Poetry ☆ The Grey Lights# 12 – “Arrow or The Aim…” ☆ Shri Ashish Mulay ☆

Shri Ashish Mulay

? The Grey Lights# 12 ?

☆ – “Arrow or The Aim…” – ☆ Shri Ashish Mulay 

Take a bliss in targets & deadlines

And be sure to miss the Lifelines

Problems are going to be there forever

You are not

Insects are going to be there forever

Blossoms are not

Live the good side till you live

Bad side will always be alive

Money will ease your Rush

But it won’t make you Blush

everything great is just a tool, like an arrow

But life flies much quicker, like a sparrow

What is more important?

The Arrow or the Aim…

© Shri Ashish Mulay


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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English Literature – Poetry ☆ Soul Searching… ☆ Miss Radha Unmesh Mulay ☆

Miss Radha Unmesh Mulay

?Soul Searching…Miss Radha Unmesh Mulay ?

Who am I if not who I should be ? 

The stormy unforgiving sea with crashing waves,

The calm that the sunrise brings,

The relentless raging of the flames, 

The very ones I burn in ? 


Who am I if not myself ? 

The light that engulfs the dark, 

The snail that hides in its shell, 

A single name etched forever, 

The pages of history I’ m within ? 


Who am I if I’m not strong ? 

The boulder at the edge of the cliff, 

The tree with its deep, anchoring roots, 

and branches wide and stiff 

About to tumble, but growing, breathing, and alive. 


Who am I resolving to be ? 

My character hidden deep inside 

The one who stands up to fight. 

The only one who chooses to carry 

The weight of the world, upon myself alone …… 


© Miss Radha Unmesh Mulay

Std. X, Sanskriti School, Pune.

≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/wp-content/themes/square/inc/template-tags.php on line 138

English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media # 152 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ☆

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

? Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 152 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 152) ?

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. He served as a Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He was involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus. His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like, WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc. in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

हम ई-अभिव्यक्ति के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों के लिए आदरणीय कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के “कविता पाठ” का लिंक साझा कर रहे हैं। कृपया आत्मसात करें।

फेसबुक पेज लिंक  >>कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी का “कविता पाठ” 

? English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of Anonymous litterateur of Social Media # 152 ?


यूँ तो आदतें हमारी भी

कहाँ  ख़राब  थीं,

बस! दोस्त बनते गये,

ऐब  बढ़ते  गए…!


When were my habits ever bad,

it’s just that when more people became friends 

that added up the problems..!


दर्द  को  हम  मुस्कुरा  कर 

सहने  क्या  लगे

लोगों  को  लगने  लगा  कि

हमें तकलीफ़ ही नहीं होती


When  I  started  to  bear

the  pain  with  a  smile…

People began to think that

I don’t feel the agony..!


दिल धड़कने का सबब

अब याद आया…

वो तेरी  याद  थी 

अब  याद आया…!


I remember the reason

for my heartbeat…

That was your memory,

now I remember…!


आज  फिर  तुम  ने वही

पुराना चश्मा पहना,

आज फिर तुम्हें मेरे  ढेर

सारे ऐब दिखाई देंगे..!


Today again you wore the

same  old  glasses,

Today again you will see

a  lot  of my  flaws..!


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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English Literature – Poetry ☆ The Grey Lights# 11 – “Address of Me…” ☆ Shri Ashish Mulay ☆

Shri Ashish Mulay

? The Grey Lights# 11 ?

☆ – “Address of Me…” – ☆ Shri Ashish Mulay 

When you see the Sky

and the wind Passes by..

When the soul Shivers

and the eyes drip Tears..

When smile comes from Within

and laugh is in the Gathering..

When you mute in Solitude

and you speak in Gratitude..

When you crave Badly

and get criticised Harshly..

Then you view Clear

and see me Near..

in your strongest moments

you will find me There

and in your weakest moments

you will know me Dear…

© Shri Ashish Mulay


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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English Literature – Poetry ☆ ‘Blazing Earth…’ ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ☆

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. He served as a Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He was involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

We present Capt. Pravin Raghuvanshi ji’s amazing poem “~ Blazing Earth ~.  We extend our heartiest thanks to the learned author Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji (who is very well conversant with Hindi, Sanskrit, English and Urdu languages) for this beautiful translation and his artwork.)

? ~ Blazing Earth… ??

When the havoc of meteors unleashed,

every star in the sky made a hue & cry

Where would the birds fly around now

when daggers keep flying across the sky…


With demons occupying every branch,

Made the lustre of the buds vanish,

How dare you could even survive…?

Thus, the buds were ordered to banish…


Showering the flaming rays is the Sun.

As if the world is kept hostage by devil

Why is that the Sun keeps raining

its fiery embers with the intent evil


The sweet lakes got transformed into

reservoirs of salt, in billions of tonnes

The sandy soil creates a discord with the

fertile land, turning it into barren ones;


Space has been shouldering the brunt of

fallen satellites and their flying garbage

Heaven and earth lose their consciousness,

in an unprecedented disgust and outrage


Planet faces the worst ever crisis of era

Alas! But there’s nothing auspicious left

As the mountain of satellite trash, turns

into a towering inferno, with sense bereft…


What will the salty ocean change now,

as the rivers too have become a salty zone

Where’ve those bouncing streams of life

giving, perennial fresh water rivers gone?


The petals of passion, sadly wither away with

the gone memories of joy and amusement;

Roaming on summits, fairies used to dance

in their sheer ecstasy and endless merriment…


When would the flames of wrathfulness go away

from the stream of unprecedented sombreness…

When would the earth turn into a serene world,

But then who’s bothered to remove the sadness..


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/wp-content/themes/square/inc/template-tags.php on line 138

English Literature – Poetry ☆ ‘त्रिकालदर्शी…’ श्री संजय भारद्वाज (भावानुवाद) – ‘The Omniscient…’ ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ☆

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. He served as a Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He was involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

We present an English Version of Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj’s Hindi poem त्रिकालदर्शी.  We extend our heartiest thanks to the learned author Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji (who is very well conversant with Hindi, Sanskrit, English and Urdu languages) for this beautiful translation and his artwork.)

श्री संजय भारद्वाज जी की मूल रचना

? संजय दृष्टि – त्रिकालदर्शी ??

भविष्य से

सुनता है

अपनी कहानी,

जैसे कभी

अतीत को

सुनाई थी

उसकी कहानी,

वर्तमान में जीता है

पर भूत, भविष्य को

पढ़ सकता है,

प्रज्ञाचक्षु खुल जाएँ तो

हर मनुज

त्रिकालदर्शी हो सकता है!

© संजय भारद्वाज 

मोबाइल– 9890122603, संजयउवाच@डाटामेल.भारत, [email protected]


English Version by – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi

? ~ The Omniscient…??

He hears his

story from

the future;

And narrates

his tales to

the  past…


Though lives

in the present

but can read

the past, and

the future…!


If  the  eyes  of

the wisdom open,

then the mankind

can  become

an all-knowing


–the omniscient..!


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media # 151 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ☆

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

? Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 151 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 151) ?

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. He served as a Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He was involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus. His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like, WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc. in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

हम ई-अभिव्यक्ति के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों के लिए आदरणीय कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के “कविता पाठ” का लिंक साझा कर रहे हैं। कृपया आत्मसात करें।

फेसबुक पेज लिंक  >>कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी का “कविता पाठ” 

? English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of Anonymous litterateur of Social Media # 151 ?


जब  लबों  पर

जगह नहीं मिलती,

तब  लफ़्ज़  आँखों

में  रहने  लगते  हैं…


When there is no

space on the lips,

Then the words start

living in the eyes…


थी मिलावट इस कदर

अपनों की चाहत में कि

आखिर तंग आकर हम  

दुश्मनों के पास चले गए..!


So much of adulteration was

there in the love of loved ones

that I got disheartened, forcing

me  to  go  to  the  enemies..!


क्या कोई नई बात नजर 

आती  है  हममें ?

आईना हमें देख कर

हैरान सा  क्यूँ  है ?


Do you see anything 

new  in  me…

Why is the mirror

surprised to see me?


यूं तो सब, कुछ रूठे-रूठे

से रहते  हैं  मुझसे,

पर बचपन की मासूमियत

कुछ ज्यादा  खफा  है…


As such, everyone remains

sullen  only  with  me,

But the innocence of childhood

is a bit more upset with me!


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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English Literature – Poetry ☆ The Grey Lights# 10 – “Over the Time…” ☆ Shri Ashish Mulay ☆

Shri Ashish Mulay

? The Grey Lights# 10 ?

☆ – “Over the Time…” – ☆ Shri Ashish Mulay 

Over the time

my buds will grow flowers

flowers will bear fruits

fruits will steer seeds


Over the time

my blood will turn thick

heart will miss the blink

in the wisdom, my passion will flip


Over the time

my blade will rust

rust will settle in dust

with wind the dust will burst




Over the time

my words will make sense

sense will make story

story will turn the dust to glory…

© Shri Ashish Mulay


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media # 150 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ☆

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

? Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 150 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 150) ?

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. He served as a Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He was involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus. His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like, WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc. in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

हम ई-अभिव्यक्ति के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों के लिए आदरणीय कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के “कविता पाठ” का लिंक साझा कर रहे हैं। कृपया आत्मसात करें।

फेसबुक पेज लिंक  >>कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी का “कविता पाठ” 

? English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of Anonymous litterateur of Social Media # 150 ?


दर्द का आलम

कुछ ऐसा है कि

दर्द अब अपना सा

लगने लगा है..!


Condition of the pain is

somewhat such that

The pain has started to

feel like very own..!


सियासत में तो कभी अपनी परछाई

तक भी ऐतबार नहीं करना चाहिए

दिन में तो एक बार हमारी परछाई तक

साथ छोड़ दिया करती है..!


In politics, one should never

trust even own shadow…

Once a day even our own

shadow also leaves us..!


तकलीफें बाजार में नहीं

बिका करतीं यारों, अक्सर

बांटने वाला भी कोई अपना

बहुत नजदीकी ही होता है…


Dear friends, problems are

not sold in the market,

Often the person giving them

happens to be someone close


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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