English Literature – Poetry – * A Journey called Life! * – Mr Piyush Lokhande

Mr Piyush Lokhande


A Journey called Life!


Darkness of the night sky with diamonds twinkling,

The stars don’t disappear, they keep blazing.

Mystic and supernatural is the aura rendered blissfully,

For the stars whisper the dialect of the unspoken instinctively.

Roaming-about, discovering places and unraveling hidden secrets sounds so intriguing,

All this doubles and triples while embarking.

Travel ain’t just an activity but a part of our very life,

Making one’s mind ain’t as tough as fire and ice.

Soaring high up above the horizons and limits,

Carving a niche amongst the not so infamous.

Diversified food, culture, ethnicity and religion delivers immortal meaning,

For journey is not meant to be traveled but lived without intervening.

Trivial and insightful thoughts have their value in gold,

Being reciprocative of what your dreams are about knows no threshold.


© Mr Piyush Lokhande